Unser Blatt Intro

Unser Blatt photoUnser Blatt (Our Paper) was published by the KfK (Kommission für Kirchenangelegenheiten) of the Allgemeine Bundeskonferenz der Mennonitengemeinden in Russland (General Conference of the Mennonite Congregations in Russia) as its monthly organ from November 1925 to June 1928, when it was forbidden by the government. Unser Blatt was the first official organ of the conference and made a very significant contribution at a time when there was little contact among the various Mennonite settlements and congregations and when they were going through a severe crisis because of the antireligious propaganda. The paper is today one of the best sources of information on the religious and cultural life of the Mennonites of Russia during that period. It published reports from the various settlements and congregations, statistics, biographies, and Russian laws pertaining to the religious groups and conscientious objectors to war. The editor was Alexander H. Ediger and the managing editor Kornelius K. Martens. Among its regular contributors were David H. Epp and Johann Rempel. The size of the magazine was 9¾ x 6½ in. and the number of pages 16 and later 24.

Krahn, Cornelius. "Unser Blatt (1925-1928)(Periodical)." Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. 1959. Web. 15 May 2024. https://gameo.org/index.php?title=Unser_Blatt_(1925-1928)(Periodical)&oldid=123005.

Listing of Issues

See our Unser Blatt records